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What is Hemorrhoidal Disease (Piles)?


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What is Hemorrhoid Disease?

Hemorrhoid disease is a health condition caused by the swelling and enlargement of veins around the rectum and anus. Known as “piles” in common language, this disease occurs due to the inflammation of the veins, resulting in various symptoms. Hemorrhoids are classified into two main types: internal and external. Internal hemorrhoids are typically painless and present symptoms such as bleeding, while external hemorrhoids may cause swelling, itching, and pain.

Causes of Hemorrhoid Disease

Several factors contribute to the development of hemorrhoids. Common causes include:

  • Straining during bowel movements: Excessive straining during bowel movements, caused by constipation or hard stools, puts pressure on the rectum and anus veins, leading to hemorrhoid formation.
  • Chronic constipation: A diet low in fiber and inadequate fluid intake can lead to chronic constipation, which is a major factor in the development of hemorrhoids.
  • Pregnancy: Increased pressure in the pelvic region and hormonal changes during pregnancy can increase the risk of hemorrhoids, which generally improve after childbirth.
  • Obesity: Excess weight, especially around the abdominal area, exerts additional pressure on the veins of the rectum and anus.
  • Prolonged sitting or standing: Inactivity can negatively affect blood circulation in the rectal area and increase the risk of hemorrhoids.
  • Aging: As a person ages, the tissues in the rectal area may weaken, making them more susceptible to hemorrhoid formation.

Symptoms of Hemorrhoid Disease

The symptoms of hemorrhoids vary depending on the type and stage of the disease. Common symptoms include:

  • Painless swelling around the anus
  • Bright red bleeding during or after bowel movements
  • Itching, irritation, and tenderness
  • Blood in the stool
  • A feeling of fullness or swelling around the anus

Internal hemorrhoids generally do not cause pain and only present with bleeding. However, if thrombosis (blood clot formation) occurs in external hemorrhoids, sudden and severe pain may be experienced.

Types and Stages of Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are classified into two main types:

  • Internal Hemorrhoids: These develop inside the rectum and generally do not cause pain but present with bleeding. Internal hemorrhoids are classified into four stages:
    • Stage 1: Bleeding occurs, but no prolapse (external protrusion) is observed.
    • Stage 2: Protrudes during bowel movements but returns spontaneously.
    • Stage 3: Protrudes and must be manually pushed back inside.
    • Stage 4: Remains outside permanently, requiring surgical intervention.
  • External Hemorrhoids: These develop around the anus and typically cause itching, swelling, and pain.

Treatment of Hemorrhoids

Treatment depends on the severity and type of hemorrhoid. Treatment options include home remedies as well as medical and surgical treatments:

  • Home Treatment Methods:

    • Consuming high-fiber foods and drinking plenty of water
    • Taking warm sitz baths
    • Using pain-relieving creams or suppositories
  • Medical and Surgical Treatments:

    • Laser treatment: A minimally invasive method.
    • Rubber band ligation: A rubber band is applied to the base of the hemorrhoid to cut off blood flow.
    • Stapler technique: Used for the treatment of internal hemorrhoids.
    • Classic surgery: Preferred for advanced cases.

Prevention of Hemorrhoids

To prevent hemorrhoids, the following measures can be taken:

  • Adopting a high-fiber diet
  • Drinking at least 2 liters of water per day
  • Regular exercise
  • Maintaining proper toilet habits and avoiding excessive straining
  • Avoiding prolonged sitting or standing

Post-Surgery Care for Hemorrhoid Surgery

After hemorrhoid surgery, the following precautions should be observed:

  • Regular use of prescribed medications
  • Avoiding heavy physical activities
  • Paying attention to hygiene
  • Contacting a doctor if pain is severe

Causes of Hemorrhoid Formation in Women

Common causes of hemorrhoid formation in women include increased uterine pressure during pregnancy, hormonal changes, and frequent constipation.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Can hemorrhoids heal on their own? Mild cases may improve over time, but chronic hemorrhoids require treatment.
  • How can hemorrhoid pain be alleviated? Warm sitz baths, cold compresses, and pain-relieving creams can help reduce pain.

If you notice any of these symptoms, it is important to consult a doctor for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment plan.