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What is Pilonidal Sinus?


What is Pilonidal Sinus?Table of Contents

What is Pilonidal Sinus?

Pilonidal sinus, also known as a “pilonidal cyst” in medical literature, is a skin condition that typically occurs in the coccyx area. It forms when hair fails to break through the skin surface and becomes embedded beneath the skin. If an infection develops, it can lead to serious complications.

What Causes Pilonidal Sinus?

Multiple factors may be involved in the formation of pilonidal sinus. These factors include:

  • Inward Growth of the Hair Follicle: When the hair fails to follow its natural path and becomes embedded under the skin.
  • Friction and Pressure: This is more commonly seen in individuals who sit for long periods or are overweight.
  • Genetic Factors: Individuals with a family history of the condition are at higher risk.
  • Poor Hygiene: Inadequate cleaning can increase the risk of pilonidal sinus.
  • Hormonal Changes: The risk increases during periods such as puberty and pregnancy.

What are the Symptoms of Pilonidal Sinus?

Pilonidal sinus usually shows symptoms when an infection develops. The most common symptoms are as follows:

  • Pain, especially increased sensitivity while sitting or moving
  • Redness and swelling
  • Pus drainage
  • Itching
  • Fatigue and weakness (in advanced stages)

What Are the Types of Pilonidal Sinus?

  • Simple Pilonidal Sinus: The most common type, observed without infection.
  • Pilonidal Abscess: An infected type of pilonidal sinus that may require surgical intervention.
  • Ingrown Hair on the Coccyx: The most common area is the coccyx.
  • Genital and Armpit Pilonidal Sinus: Can develop due to frequent hair removal or irritation.

Treatment Options for Pilonidal Sinus

Different treatment methods can be used for pilonidal sinus. The choice of treatment depends on the severity of the condition and the risk of recurrence.

Conservative Treatment:
  • Antibiotics: Prescribed to control infections in infected cases.
  • Creams or Ointments: Relieve surface-level infections.
Surgical Intervention:
  • Classic Surgery: The pilonidal sinus area is cut and cleaned.
  • Minimally Invasive Surgery: Laser or endoscopic methods can facilitate faster healing.

What Should Be Done to Prevent Pilonidal Sinus from Recurring?

Pilonidal sinus has a high recurrence rate. To prevent recurrence:

  • Regular cleaning of the area
  • Regular hair removal
  • Avoiding tight clothing
  • Using softening creams

What Happens If Pilonidal Sinus is Left Untreated?

If left untreated, pilonidal sinus can lead to abscess formation, chronic drainage, and in rare cases, cancer. Delayed treatment can make surgical intervention more complex.

Which Specialist Should You See for Pilonidal Sinus?

A general surgeon should be consulted for pilonidal sinus issues. General surgeons will determine the diagnosis and treatment, and if necessary, perform surgical intervention.


If left untreated, pilonidal sinus can lead to serious complications. Early diagnosis and appropriate treatment improve quality of life and reduce the risk of recurrence of the disease. Therefore, it is important to take precautions by paying attention to hygiene rules.